Monday, February 14, 2011

Gutless Wonders

It's amusing to watch Rethuglican "leaders" squirm when asked about the myths that President Obama wasn't born in the U.S., or that he's a Muslim. Yesterday on Press the Meat, House Speaker John "Orange Boner" Boehner was confronted with the fact that angry Rethug know-nothings believe that Obama is a Muslim not born in the U.S. (My, where could they have gotten that notion?) Not my problem, indicates the Orange one (smirk smirk).

It's ultimately in the interest of the Rethug politicians to play coy about this. They don't want to alienate their far-right, conspiracy-obsessed lunatic base, but don't want to appear completely idiotic to "independents." So they use weasel words and hedging to avoid an answer. Gutless, absolutely gutless.

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