There's been a lot of attention paid to orange-hued House Speaker John "Boner" Boehner's callous remark the other day that if budget cuts result in thousands of jobs lost, then "so be it." For someone who pays considerable lip service to job creation, Boner's remark revealed a deep cynicism: he's not that concerned with people losing their jobs, because the higher the unemployment the better for Rethugs in 2012.
So it was with some amusement that we saw one of Boner's favorite pork projects defeated in the Rethug-majority House yesterday. By a wide margin, the House eliminated funding for an alternate engine for the F-35 Joint Strike fighter, cutting some $450 million and 1,000 jobs in Boner's suburban Cincinnati district. Giving him a poke in the eye, Boner's teatard freshmen abandoned him, with 47 voting to cut funding for the engine.
There's an old proverb about riding the tiger that ends with the rider being eaten.We say to the teatards, bon appetit. We say to Boner, so be it.
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