Thanks so much for that! That was the first mental image I had last night when I saw that ridiculous clip on TV when he said he was considering running, thereby restoring dignity. I told John that would be the biggest laugh the first time he was ducking the prop wash from the helicopter on the lawn at the White House. Ha! P.E.C.
Delusions of grandeur. The Donald's the classic case of "born on third base and thinks he hit a triple" -- his father was a big real estate developer in NYC, and gave him his start. Thanks for commenting, P.E.C.
Thanks so much for that! That was the first mental image I had last night when I saw that ridiculous clip on TV when he said he was considering running, thereby restoring dignity. I told John that would be the biggest laugh the first time he was ducking the prop wash from the helicopter on the lawn at the White House. Ha!
Delusions of grandeur. The Donald's the classic case of "born on third base and thinks he hit a triple" -- his father was a big real estate developer in NYC, and gave him his start. Thanks for commenting, P.E.C.