Saturday, February 19, 2011

Pushing the Far-Right Agenda

We're about a month into the teatard/Rethug-led House of Representatives session, so let's pause for a moment to reflect on some of the more flagrant reactionary items being pushed by this nihilist bunch (most of which is going nowhere fast):

-- passing a bill to repeal the health care reform law;

-- stopping Wall Street reform act by proposing defunding of the Securities and Exchange Commission;

-- blocking Federal aid for Planned Parenthood while redefining rape to make abortion more difficult;

-- defunding public radio and TV;

-- taking a meat ax to social program discretionary spending, while maintaining Pentagon and farm subsidy spending intact;

-- eliminating the Environmental Protection Agency.

If there's been a more far-right, troglodyte House in the past 50 years, we'd like to hear about it.

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