Monday, March 21, 2011

Sofa Sergeants

We're seeing the usual neocon/Rethuglican suspects criticizing the Administration for their actions toward Libya. One predictable presence on the TV gabfests this weekend was none other than bitter loser Sen. John McNasty (R-Ariz.). Whenever the mainstream media wants to get an automatic criticism of President Obama, their go-to guy is the very cranky former "maverick" (whose keen judgment gave us the Wasilla Wingnut on the national stage).

This weekend on CNN, McNasty and his reliable Likudnik sidekick, soon-to-be-ex Sen. Joe Lieberliar (Party of Joe-CT), criticized Obama for failing to initiate hostilities with Libya sooner, and alone if necessary. This perfectly captures the neocon philosophy of "shoot-ready-aim" that they planned and executed so well in Iraq under former President Dumbya. That anyone values or seeks their opinion on matters of war -- particularly in the Middle East -- is astounding, given their pathetic track record of failure.

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