Friday, April 29, 2011

"Get Over It"

As the lunatic fringe continues to sniff the fetid remains of the birther debacle for new "clues," they continue to represent a danger to the Rethuglican / New Confederate Party. Independents are turned off by the nutty but dominant fringe of the Party, and a recent poll by USA Today/Gallup indicates that 64% of the public say they would never vote for front runner crypto-racist gasbag Donald "Rump" Trump. Eugene Robinson's column in the Kaplan Daily puts a fine point on it:
"Look, I’m not surprised that the first black president faces unprecedented scrutiny about his origins, and I hope Obama’s not surprised, either. This sort of thing comes with being a historic 'first,' and there’s no way around it. To those deniers who can’t come to terms with the fact of the Obama presidency, I have nothing to offer but this: Yes, he’s smarter, richer, luckier and better looking than you, and he’s your president. Yours, mine and ours. And he’s black. Get over it."
They won't, of course. Maybe for us, it's better to abide by the adage that if your adversary is self-destructing, don't get in their way.

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