The loons and crackpots that seemingly inhabit the far-right base of the Rethuglican Party, as well as their own alternate universe, are doing great damage to Rethug prospects nationally,
says Harold Meyerson in today's Kaplan Daily (to which we say, play on!). Having been fed a steady diet of lies, stuff and nonsense by right-wing outlets like Fox and the hate radio nuts for years, the Rethug base has gone so far off the deep end (think birfers, sharia law being imposed everywhere, Obama's an Islamofascistsocialist, and climate change denial) that any Rethug looking at a run for office is in effect held hostage by these loons and crackpots and has to play their loony tune just to gain traction. Even Karl "Turdblossom" Rove has started to look upon the madness as a huge looming problem for Rethugs in the months and years ahead. Sample from Meyerson's article:
"If Rove really wanted to stop Trump and the birthers in their tracks, he should have looked Fox News viewers straight in the camera's eye and told them to change the channel."
But that would be biting the hand that feeds him, wouldn't it?!
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