Monday, April 25, 2011

Turn About Is Fair Play

Turning tables on Congressional Rethuglicans is always in order, but with the House Rethugs' passage of Rep. Paul "Lyin'" Ryan's reactionary Randian budget, Senate Dems were handed an especially valuable gift. Steve Benen, in the Washington Monthly, notes that when the same House Rethugs voted to abolish the Affordable Care Act back in February, Senate Rethugs knew that the Senate majority wouldn't go along, but wanted to get Dems on record for future campaign purposes. They did everything they could to force a symbolic vote.

Now, they've got a steaming pile on their hands with Lyin' Ryan's draconian proposal, which hits at the heart of the social safety net for senior citizens and the poor, while giving the rich another tax windfall. Senate Dem leaders are considering bringing up the radical House proposal -- which is extremely unpopular with older voters and the public at large -- to put Senate Rethugs on record for the 2012 elections, which they are desperate to avoid.

We say, "go for it," Senate Dems, and make them eat it.

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