Sunday, May 1, 2011

Death of a Monster

Was watching normal programming at 10:15 EST when a breaking news report came across saying that President Obama would be making a major announcement at 10:30. . .waiting. ...10:45, word on each network and cable nets that Obama would be announcing the death of Osama bin Laden. . .waiting for Obama's announcement at 11:00. . .more confirmations and some details that bin Laden had been killed by U.S. forces and that his body was in U.S. custody. . .finally, after 11:30 Eastern time, Obama appears in the East Room to provide details of the killing of bin Laden. Special operations and military ground forces stormed bin Laden's compound in Pakistan and shot him. Great speech by Obama, touching all the right notes about 9-11, sacrifice and courage of those serving. Looking very confident and Presidential in perhaps his finest hour. Large, spontaneous crowds are forming outside the White House, chanting, cheering and singing. This will be quite a Sunday night.

So almost ten years after 9-11 the monster has been killed. Whether it's the beginning of the end, or the end of the beginning for the al Qaeda network, it's a huge victory for the U.S., and a defeat for the killers of innocents.

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