Sunday, May 8, 2011

Krugman Educates the Kaplan Daily

In his blog, New York Times columnist and Nobel Prize winner Paul Krugman mocks the editorial position of the Kaplan Daily / WaPo, which seems to say we need more action to reduce unemployment, but then rejects the action that will get us that result:
"Policy wisdom, as the WaPo describes it, is entirely dictated by fear of things that aren’t happening: fiscal expansion will invite an attack by the invisible bond vigilantes, if you try monetary expansion the inflation monster hiding under your bed will come out and eat you. The problem we actually have — the problem the Post says we dare not let happen — doesn’t seem to matter at all."
The "Very Serious Person" cult at the Kaplan Daily -- publishing writers like Charles Kraphammer and Marc Thiessen, who have been wrong almost every time about almost everything-- is a plague on the institution of journalism. No one is ever sanctioned in Very Serious Person-land for screwing up things like Iraq and the economy, they just get a writing gig at the Kaplan Daily.

UPDATE: But some pupils remain dumb as a rock. Calling Lyin' Ryan's Medicare plan "honest" bears the unmistakable hands of Very Serious Persons and Kaplan Daily editorial boarders Fred Hiatt and Ruth Marcus. FAIL.

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