Thursday, June 23, 2011

Better Late Than Never

From their moniker as the "Party of No" starting from the day President Obama was inaugurated through their solid wall of opposition to every Obama initiative to spur the economy, the Rethugs have largely been given a free pass by the Dems (and, of course, the Beltway media) on exposing their obvious motive: to deny the Dems any success in fixing the mess the Rethugs created. Now, it looks like the Dems have located part of their spine:
"Today Senate Dems went there: They accused Republicans of deliberately sabotaging the economy in order to further their own political interests. And a senior Dem Senate aide tells me that Dems will not shy away from making that case in the weeks to come, if the Republicans keep blocking their efforts to spur job creation."
Why they didn't do this prior to the 2010 mid-term elections is beyond us, but fighting back against the lie factory that constitutes the Rethuglican / New Confederate Party hasn't been a Dem strength. We hope they do "go there," because the case is compelling and the evidence overwhelming that the Rethugs have been trying to sabotage the recovery in order to blame the Dems for a bad economy.

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