Saturday, July 23, 2011

Boner Bugs Out

Speaker of the House John "Orange Boner" Boehner walked out on last-ditch negotiations on a long-term debt reduction deal that would accompany a raising of the debt ceiling. Orange Boner was apparently unable to muster the votes needed from his teatard House members, who are oblivious to the fire that they're playing with. Business and the financial markets are increasingly worried that the "our way or the highway" teatard nabobs will torpedo an extension to the debt ceiling, causing chaos in the economy of the U.S. and internationally.

With the public supporting a spending cut / revenue raising compromise overwhelmingly, the Rethugs are going to end up being blamed for the impasse, and the fact that they passed up a golden opportunity for deficit reduction.

(photo: "If I didn't walk out, my peeps were going to throw me out as Speaker. sniff sniff ")

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