The fracture within the Rethuglican / New Confederate Party widened last week over their self-inflicted debt ceiling crisis. On the one hand, you have the traditional big money, big business elite who have funded the Rethug Party for years. They want the debt ceiling lifted. On the other, you have the loony teabagger true believers, far-right extremists who see bringing down the Government as a good thing, and to hell with the economy.
Right wing pundits have been forced to choose sides in the internal war. Blind squirrel and country club Rethug Kathleen Parker finds a nut in today's Kaplan Daily:
"Take names. Remember them. The behavior of certain Republicans who call themselves Tea Party conservatives makes them the most destructive posse of misguided “patriots” we’ve seen in recent memory. If the nation defaults on its financial obligations, the blame belongs to the Tea Party Republicans who fragged their own leader, John Boehner."
Better late than never, but you have to remember that the right wing media was stoking the fires of obstruction from the minute Obama was elected. Any lie and distortion was acceptable in whipping up the low-information teatards, who are clueless that the far right groups that pay for their rallies, buses and signs are actually working against their economic and social interests.
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