House Rethuglican Budget Chair and teatard favorite Rep. Paul "Lyin'" Ryan is fond of saying that the government needs to live within its means. His idea of "saving" Medicare was to turn it into a voucher system, where seniors would be at the tender mercies of a profit-driven health insurance industry. He advocates austerity for working and middle class America, but doesn't want the wealthy to share in the sacrifice.
What better image of a self-promoting flim-flam artist than Lyin' Ryan dining with two fat cats over two $350 bottles of wine to show that austerity doesn't involve him? One of his dining partners was the appropriately named Cliff Asness, who manages a major hedge fund, and who told a diner who approached their table and questioned Lyin' Ryan's expensive tastes to eff off. Having money doesn't mean having class.
(photo: Indigestion?)
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