Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Are You Ready For Some Jackass?

For years, the opening theme song for ESPN's Monday Night Football has been "Are You Ready for Some Football?" sung by washed-up redneck bar singer Hank "Stank" Williams, Jr. Stank, who has lived off of his famous father's name all his life with no talent to speak of, has been an active teabagging personality, and campaigned often with snowbilly grifter Mama Fizzly Palin.

Yesterday, on the awful "Fox and Friends" show, Stank let loose with an angry, over-the-top denunciation of President Obama, whom he compared to Hitler. Stank referred to the President and Vice President as "the enemy" to his somewhat stunned hosts (who are usually more subtle in their wingnuttery.) Within a few hours, ESPN announced that Stank's opening for last night's Monday Night Football would be yanked. Now that Stank has issued a non-apology defense of his outburst, ESPN needs to get someone else to perform the opening. Almost anyone would be better than the talentless Stank.

(photo: Stank might want to stay sober for his next gig on TV)

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