Friday, October 14, 2011

Guess Who's Coming To Demonstrate?

None other than former Polish President and head of the Solidarity movement in Poland, Lech Walesa. He's announced his intention to join the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations because, as he puts it:
"How could I not respond. The thousands of people gathered near Wall Street are worried about the fate of their future, the fate of their country. This is something I understand."
This should put wingers in a quandry, since the anti-Communist Walesa was instrumental in forcing democratic change in Poland, as well as in toppling the Soviet Union. How does one attack a man responsible for that, without undermining what's left of your credibility? Maybe that's why there's such a furious campaign underway on the right to demean the demonstrators and to curtail their activities in New York City and elsewhere before it grows.

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