Monday, October 31, 2011

The Hits Keep Comin'

Fresh off of evidence that creepy Rethuglican candidate Herman "Herb" Cain was sexually harassing women during his tenure at the National Restaurant Association, there are new reports that Herb's campaign has been the beneficiary of $40,000 in illegal contributions from a private corporation, Prosperity USA. Not coincidentally, one of the heads of Prosperity USA was Herb's Chief of Staff, ciggie smoke-blowing Mark "Cancerman" Block. Interesting that these revelations are coming out when Herb is neck-and-neck with Mittens in the polls, and when Hair Perry is sinking. Hmmm, what do you say, Mittens? Hair, what do you say? Is this your opposition research paying off? Esquire's excellent Charles Pierce thinks so:
"You might argue that someone has acted on principle, that someone thought that the nation needed this information in order to make an informed decision. If that's the case, then why didn't anyone try to strangle the whole campaign in its crib by releasing this a month or two ago? The only way this makes sense is as something that someone kept in their pocket until they needed it. And, in dealing with a party in which Karl Rove is a power, I choose not to believe in coincidence."
We'd say a bad day for Herb all around.

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