Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Limpballs Tripped Up by Blind Obama-rage

The news that President Obama sent 100 special operations troops to Uganda to coordinate actions against the "Lord's Resistance Army" has drawn the usual criticism from the right, none more heated than from hate radio's Rush "Pills" Limpballs. First, some background. The LRA is headed by a psychopath named Joseph Kony, and is responsible for the kidnap, rape and murder of thousands of Africans in the Uganda/Congo/South Sudan region. They've been the focus of human rights organizations for many years.

On his radio program, Mr. Oxycontin accused President Obama of sending troops to "wipe out Christians in Sudan...Uganda," while admitting that he didn't have all the facts. No surprise there, especially if the object is to smear the President. But Limpballs drew fire from some unlikely sources, who criticized his knee jerk criticism of Obama: Michael "Mushroom Cloud" Gerson, and Rethuglican Sen. James Inhofe. The piggish pillpopper is rarely if ever held accountable for his deceit, especially from his comrades on the right. But some statements by the Drugster are just too laughably false to stand scrutiny, and this was one of those times.

(photo: Limpballs checks the source of his information)

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