Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Our Broken Media, Cont'd.

The Atlantic's James Fallows captures the essential cowardice of the mainstream media in discussing the Senate vote on President Obama's jobs bill: "A Modest Proposal: Call Obstruction What It Is." Too many are content to portray it as an honest disagreement on policy, or an Obama failure, when in fact it's nothing more than Rethuglican obstruction for perceived political gain. One exception: the Cincinnati Enquirer's headline "GOP Kills Jobs Package."

For the last 30+ years, the Rethugs have held the mainstream media hostage to accusations of "liberal bias", what some refer to as "working the referees." In sports, it means that if you badger the refs enough, they'll start to call unjustified penalties against your opponents, simply to appear fair. It's time for the mainstream media to do their jobs, do some fact checking, and tell the truth.

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