Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Limpballs' Latest Racial Slur

We're not sure whether hate radio poo-flinger Pills Limpballs is on or off his Oxycontin this week, but we do know that he's a racist, 24/7. When Michele Obama went to Florida to welcome home wounded war veterans at a NASCAR event, some mouthbreathers booed her. Sensing an opportunity for a racial slur, the piggish Pills swung his lard-filled ass into action, claiming the the First Lady was booed for displaying "uppity-ism," a word used by racists for generations to suggest that African Americans need to know "their place."

Sadly, Rethuglican officials view Pills as someone to fear and cater to. Whenever they run afoul of the Drugster, they soon make a pilgrimage to his program to ask forgiveness. With this latest racial slur, Pills again went way beyond what's acceptable, which has become a familiar place for him and for America's far right.

(photo: Limpballs knows his place.)