Charles Pierce previews Willard "Muff/ Mittens/ Flip Flop Mitt" Romney's "major policy speech" coming up this Friday (like a half-digested sausage) at a gathering of the teatard, Koch-sired "Americans for Prosperity" (theirs, not yours):
"Let the grovelling commence!
There's nothing quite like the anticipation of a 'major policy speech' from Mitt Romney, the darling of an ironclad one-quarter of his political party. Which former firmly held position on which issue will go overboard this time? How profoundly will he demonstrate that he doesn't even remember how little he once knew about anything? How deeply will our boy bow and scrape? How hard will he tug his forelock? How well-tailored will be his sackcloth, how perfumed his ashes? It truly is like that breathless moment under the Mexican circus tent right before they bring out the monkey who can suck his own dick.
This one looks like it's going to be about the economy, given the sponsoring entity and the various corporate reptiles behind it. Which means we're going to hear about all those taxes President Obama didn't raise, and all the job-killing regulations that he didn't impose, and all the knuckling of the Wall Street crowd that he never quite got around to. Mitt will then go into his well-practiced — if utterly unmoored from historical reality — razzle-dazzle over health care in which he pretends that what he did in Massachuetts happened to another person in another lifetime in a galaxy far, far away. It's possible that someone in attendance may toss a dinner roll at him at this point, which will be all that keeps me watching, I assure you."
Read the rest here.
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