Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Will Cain Smear His Accuser?

Rethuglican wingnut and accused sexual assaulter Herman "Herb" Cain is holding a press conference in Phoenix this afternoon, at which he's expected to discuss the fourth and most serious allegation of sexual misconduct, which was made by a very credible Ms. Sharon Bialek yesterday. Somehow, we don't think Herb will come clean, as Ms. Bialek demanded yesterday, or answer questions frankly. We expect the same evasion and deflection of blame to the accuser, the media, libruls, Hair Perry, Martians, Murphy Brown, etc. that right-wingers engage in whenever caught with their pants down (literally). It's the main card in their deck.

We'll see how Herb spins this latest charge, and whether he'll try to smear his accuser.

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