Thursday, December 1, 2011

New Poll: Elizabeth Warren Beating "Cosmo" Brown

A new poll by the University of Massachusetts-Amherst shows Elizabeth Warren beating incumbent Rethug Sen. Scott "Cosmo" Brown by 43%-39%. Thus is our faith in the intelligence of the voters of Massachusetts beginning to be restored. The Rove lie machine, American Crossroads, is among those right-wing, corporate-financed super PACs that will spend big bucks to keep a powerful middle class advocate like Warren out of the Senate. I'm getting ready to send in another donation - how about you?

(Photo: God, I love this woman!)


  1. I send her a regular donation each month - money well spent. I think she's aces. I called Brown's office recently about a vote and got a very cold reception by requesting he back something he obviously would be voting against. At least I hope his staff realized that was a constituent he would not have for the next election. P.E.C.

  2. Thanks PEC! Thanks for the time with you and John today. BTW, my car wasn't towed! Yay!
