MSNBC had South Carolina's Democratic Party Chairman Dick Harpootlian on this morning to discuss the coming South Carolina Rethuglican primary. Harpootlian, who speaks with a mellow Southern drawl, said that one-percenter Willard "Mittens" Romney had "peeled the bark" off of Poot Gingrich with his negative TV ads in Iowa. When asked what he saw ahead in South Carolina's Rethug primary, the folksy (and politically incorrect) Harpootlian wryly likened it to "midgets having a mud-wrestling contest" and all that emerges is "one midget covered in mud." The MSNBC hostess couldn't talk because she was chuckling so much. The sh*t-eating look on the smug face of the SC Rethug Party Chairman, who was sharing the screen, was priceless.
This guy Hartpoolian was hilarious on the Jansing & Co. this morning. It's 5 hours later and still cannot stop laughing. How can I see more of this guy?
ReplyDeleteMaybe if enough people dropped a line to MSNBC...?