One percenter and people-firing machine Willard "Millionaire Mittens" Romney finally bowed to pressure, and announced he's releasing his 2010 and 2011 estimated tax returns. After saying that releasing the returns would be a "gift" to Dems, Millionaire Mittens caved to strong public opinion that he was hiding something in not releasing his returns. Interestingly, Millionaire Mittens will release his tax returns on the day of President Obama's State of the Union, so as to ensure less attention. Sorry, Mr. Gekko, it won't work this time. Your returns should provide a lot of ammo for both Poot "The Player" Gingrich and the Dems. And it's not about your "success," dickwad, it's about what's wrong with a system that, in return for political contributions, tilts the economic playing field for the Mittens of the world against the vast majority of Americans. Even the wingnuts are starting to catch on.
Now let's see him release his returns for, say, 2000-2009.