Friday, January 27, 2012

If It's Thursday, There Must Be Another Rethug Debate

As is our custom, we delegated the viewing of the 1,593rd Rethuglican debate to others, so here's a wrap-up of what various pundits saw, for what it's worth. It looks like it wasn't Poot "The Swinger" Gingrich's finest hour, as he seemed unprepared for the temporarily macho Willard "Millionaire Mittens" Romney's attacks and counterattacks. Mittens seemed to have a counter move to each of Poot's jabs. While the two frontrunners were busy kneecapping each other, theocrat-favorite Rick "Frothy Mix" Santorum tried to play the grown up in the room when he chastised both for focusing on their considerable flaws, rather than how we can turn America into a theocracy. He may have siphoned some votes from Poot; only next Tuesday's primary will tell.

The teatards / Talibangelists that constitute the Rethug base continue to be split between The Swinger and Frothy Mix, to the benefit of human weather vane and faux conservative Mittens, who can wait them out and capture the nomination if not the hearts of the Rethug / New Confederate Party.

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