Republican presidential candidate Ambassador Jon Huntsman reminds us from time to time that there are still honorable conservatives in the Rethuglican party. To be clear, Huntsman holds views on the economy and social safety net that are wrong-headed. But he also is someone who represents a dying breed in his party: he's a sane person. He's made it clear he believes science trumps ideology when it comes to global climate change and evolution. Unlike Willard "Millionaire Mitt" Romney, he doesn't believe corporations are people.
Most disqualifying of all to the Obama-hating troglodytes and mouth-breathers in the far right of the Rethug base, he accepted the ambassadorship to China from President Obama. This drew fire at this weekend's candidate debate from Willard (motto: "Profits first, party second, country... meh"), who implied Huntsman did the wrong thing by serving a Dimmycrat! Huntsman had a great riposte for Willard, which got a loud ovation: "This country is divided because of attitudes like that."
Democrats don't like to say it too loudly, but Huntsman, not Willard, is the Republican we think would run the strongest against Obama in the general election. He's the kind of authentic, patriotic Republican that makes hot messes like the trying-too-hard Krispy Cream Christie (see post below) look especially mean-spirited and stupid. We won't be surprised if Huntsman does very well tomorrow in the New Hampshire primary, which allows independents to vote on the Rethug ballot.
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