Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Mittens Mo

With millionaire vulture capitalist Willard "Mittens" Romney's win last night in New Hampshire, the fractured right-wing of the Rethuglican Party is scrambling to unite behind one candidate in order to stop Mittens' momentum. While his victory in New Hampshire is being touted as "decisive," Mittens' virtual favorite-son status in New Hampshire should have given him more than the 39% of the votes he received. He's still not acceptable to some 60% of Rethuglican voters -- even in a state like New Hampshire, where he's lived off-and-on for years.

The Washington Monthly has a good piece on the decision the anti-Mittens forces need to make, and soon, before Mittens runs the table. If there were one, credible right-wing alternative to Mittens, he would have been blown away in Iowa and New Hampshire. Now, South Carolina is shaping up to be the last stand for Rethugs who can't swallow the smarmy plutocrat from Massachusetts.