Let's be honest: we fervently hope for a Poot "The Swinger" Gingrich victory for the Rethuglican nomination because he'd probably lose to the President in a landslide. So we're delighted to embrace the endorsements of both Horndog Cain and Winky Palin for Poot's continuing the "fight" for the nomination, regardless of the cost. For the first time in this blog's history, we can say that we experience "starbursts" when we see snowbilly Winky encouraging Poot to keep going, and when we see Horndog Herman voicing his approval of the Pootster.
The Rethug establishment is furious at the rabble rising up in rebellion, after being so carefully nurtured in the last 30+ years to vote against their interests. Riding the tiger can be a dangerous business, because it gets hungry every so often.
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