It takes longer for the Rethug base in Iowa to count things, since they have to remove their shoes and socks (ed. -- you'll appreciate this more if you're from Minnesota or Wisconsin). Now that they've finished counting the caucus votes from January 3, it looks like the winner wasn't Gordon Gekko imitator Willard "Mittens" Romney after all. It was Rick "Frothy Mix" Santorum by an overwhelming.... 34 votes. So now Millionaire Mittens can't claim winning the first two Rethug contests after all; his "inevitability" has been undercut, and he's losing ground to Poot Gingrich in South Carolina (race-baiting Poot knows what sells in the state that launched the Civil War).
We'll see how this turn of events plays out. Frothy Mix isn't going anywhere even with this late-announced win, but it may take more wind out of the sails of Mittens' campaign yacht.
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