The insanity just doesn't stop. Here we have language from a bill introduced in the Georgia State legislature sanctioning "nullification" -- i.e., the unconstitutional proposition that a State has the right to ignore any Federal law it chooses. If you remember your history, that's one of the issues the Civil War was fought over. Apparently, two of the crackpot crackers who lead the Rethuglican/ New Confederate party in Georgia think the issue wasn't settled and needs to be fought all over again.
Here's the text of two parts of the bill, introduced by Rethuglican Majority Leader Chip "Off The Old Blockhead" Rogers and Rethuglican President Pro Tem Tommie "Bobby Joe Cletus Bocephus" Williams, so you can see for yourself the latest depths to which the low-information, secessionist peckerwoods known collectively as the Rethuglican Party have sunk:
"(1) There is created the Joint Commission on Recommendation, which shall be charged with recommending and proposing for a vote by a constitutional majority the nullification in its entirety of a specific federal law or regulation which is deemed to be outside the scope of the powers delegated by the people to the federal government in the United States Constitution or at odds with the Georgia Constitution . . .
"(4) Upon recommendation for nullification, the General Assembly may vote to nullify following such recommendation. The appropriate documentation reflecting the vote shall be documented in legislative journals of the House and Senate. In the event the General Assembly votes by a constitutional majority to nullify any federal statute, mandate, or executive order on the grounds of constitutionality, neither the state nor its citizens shall recognize or be obligated to live under such statute, mandate, or executive order."
I'm all in favor of another March to the Sea, but this time burn it all down.
(Photo: Perfectly at home in today's Rethuglican/ New Confederate Party - the original Nullifier, John C. Calhoun)
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