(RE-UPDATED): The Rump went with fellow plutocrat Millionaire Mitt (yawn). This is how much Millionaire Mitt wanted to share the stage with the toxic tycoon:
"...After noting that Trump is one of the few human beings on earth with more money than him (I doubt it), Mitt was like a little kid with a full bladder looking for a bathroom. He was in such a hurry to leave that he forgot to acknowledge his campaign chairman and his wife, so he had to go back to the podium to give them a shout out before beating a hasty retreat." (mistermix over at Balloon Juice)
(UPDATED)Vulgarian birther and reality show host Donald "Rump" Trump will endorse either fellow pompous gasbag Poot "The Swinger" Gingrich or fellow plutocrat Willard "Screw The Poor" Romney today in Las Vegas. Conflicting reports are here and here. It also apparently signals that Rump won't run independently this year, as he suggested he might.
When Rump unselfishly offered to host a debate among the Rethuglican candidates a few weeks ago, Poot was the first in line to accept the offer and to lavish praise on Rump, which may now be repaid. Both Rump and Poot have checkered personal histories, with six wives between them, and egos that can't be contained by Earth's atmosphere. However, Mittens shares Rump's plutocratic worldview and Social Darwinist philosophy, and looks to be the "winnah," which for Rump is everything. It will be interesting to see who ends up wrestling the microphone from the other at today's endorsement. The truth is, though, aside from the cheap spectacle, no one cares who Rump likes -- beside himself, that is.
(photo: The Breck boy, letting his freak flag fly)
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