"Yesterday, the USCCB offered two press releases on the announcement. The first was a cautious one, saying in essence 'we appreciate the first step, but we need time to look at the details.' The second and longer statement was much more blunt and disdainful. For instance, with regard to the changes announced yesterday, they say this (emphasis in the original):
'. . . in the case where the employee and insurer agree to add the objectionable coverage, that coverage is still provided as a part of the objecting employer’s plan, financed in the same way as the rest of the coverage offered by the objecting employer.'" (Firedoglake)
And the kicker:
"Although Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan of New York has been leading the national fight against requiring Roman Catholic hospitals, universities and charities to cover birth control in their health insurance plans for employees and students, some Catholic institutions in his own diocese and others throughout New York State have for 10 years been complying with state law mandating precisely that coverage.
"The state began requiring contraception coverage in 2002, and Catholic institutions, after losing a court battle over the issue, have followed the law. Historically Catholic institutions like Fordham University, which is run by a lay board of trustees in the tradition of the Jesuit religious order, provide contraception coverage for employees and students." (NY Times, via Hullabaloo)
Time to stop haggling with these pedophile-pampering extremists. These anachronisms have had more say about the health and well-being of women than they ought to have had in the first place.
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