Friday, February 17, 2012

Quote of the Day

"Cornell University’s Suzanne Mettler points out that many beneficiaries of government programs seem confused about their own place in the system. She tells us that 44 percent of Social Security recipients, 43 percent of those receiving unemployment benefits, and 40 percent of those on Medicare say that they 'have not used a government program.' Presumably, then, voters imagine that pledges to slash government spending mean cutting programs for the idle poor, not things they themselves count on. And this is a confusion politicians deliberately encourage. For example, when Mr. Romney responded to the new Obama budget, he condemned Mr. Obama for not taking on entitlement spending — and, in the very next breath, attacked him for cutting Medicare." -- Nobel Prize winner Paul Krugman in the New York Times. His article, "Moochers Against Welfare," examines the low-information conservative voter who's fine with Gummint entitlements, as long as they don't go to someone else.


  1. Silver Spring Bureau ChiefFebruary 17, 2012 at 11:22:00 AM EST

    An article from last Sunday's Times also discussed in detail Teabaggers who depend on government help. Surprisingly, some of those quoted in the article expressed frustration that they needed to rely on the government.

  2. Hi SSBC - Good point. I saw the article. If Rep. Paul Ryan succeeds in changing Medicare into a private voucher program, they'll have their chance to see what it's like not to rely on the Gummint.
