Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Quote of the Day

"Just get the government out of the way and wait for 'freedom' to solve all of our problems. Once we get pesky safeguards and regulations out of the way, we'll be free to breathe dirty air and drink dirty water; we'll be free of the burdens of affordable medical care; we'll be free to watch Wall Street excesses rob the country blind; we'll be free to slip into poverty into an inadequate safety net full of holes; we'll be free of the homework assigned to college students; and we'll be free to remain dependent on oil indefinitely." -- MaddowBlog's Steve Benen, summing up weird plutocrat Willard "Corporations Are People" Romney's speech in Chicago yesterday. And as we noted in yesterday's post about voter suppression, we'll also be free to be denied our voting rights, except for Rethuglican candidates.

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