Friday, March 2, 2012

A Win For Women's Health

Yesterday, the Senate voted down a Rethuglican attempt to sabotage the Obama Administration's policy of including coverage for contraceptives in health insurance plans. The Rethugs wanted to let employers and insurance companies decide what would be included in health coverage on "religious" or "moral" grounds, which was an obvious attempt to begin the dismantling of the Affordable Care Act. We can imagine a, say, Koch Industries decision to carve out coverage for contraceptives, preventive breast cancer screenings, etc. in health care plans provided to their employees on "moral" grounds -- according to the "morals" of the CEO, of course.

The longer that the Rethugs wage this war, the more they will lose women (and men) at the polls, who are seeing these "small Government conservatives" for what they truly are: God-bothering moral scolds eager to control the bedrooms and bodies of their fellow Americans.

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