Thursday, April 5, 2012
Mittens' Medicare Whoppers
As plutocrat and human replica Willard "Etch-A-Sketch" Romney trudges toward the Rethuglican nomination, dragging reluctant Rethugs with him, he's becoming even more dishonest in his statements. Mendacious Mittens is openly lying about the impact of the Affordable Care Act on Medicare. In a attempt to distract voters from his embrace of Rep. Paul "Lyin'" Ryan's dismantlement of Medicare, Mendacious Mittens is laughably claiming that the President has taken steps to "end Medicare as we know it," a line stolen from Democrats' opposition to the Ryan budget's replacement of Medicare with a voucher program. Not only does he shift his own positions routinely, now he's attempting to shift the President's.
Sadly, the "mainstream" media lets these whoppers pass, having rejected fact checking as a normal journalistic habit. So, without fear of being called out by the media, expect Mendacious Mittens and the Rethug crew to continue lying openly and outrageously.