During the recent kerfuffle over Hilary Rosen's poorly framed remarks about Ann Romney not having worked outside of the home, Rethuglicans and their media water-carriers had a great time trying to turn the situation into a "Democrats hate women who stay at home" meme, which of course wasn't Rosen's thrust at all. Shockingly, we have video evidence that one Willard "Etch-a-Sketch" Romney had a different view of the value of stay-at-home mothers -- at least when it came to low-income women -- waaay back in, um... January:
“I wanted to increase the work requirement," Romney said. "I said, for instance, that even if you have a child 2 years of age, you need to go to work. And people said, ‘Well that’s heartless.’ And I said, ‘No, no, I’m willing to spend more giving day care to allow those parents to go back to work. It’ll cost the state more providing that daycare, but I want the individuals to have the dignity of work.” (via "Up With Chris Hayes" and Think Progress)
To sum up for Willard, the "dignity of work" is a concept that, when applied to low-income women with children means "get out and get a job," but when applied to well-to-do women means "stay home and raise the kids." Hmmm.
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