Sunday, April 15, 2012

Etch-a-Sketch Willard on the "Dignity of Work"

During the recent kerfuffle over Hilary Rosen's poorly framed remarks about Ann Romney not having worked outside of the home, Rethuglicans and their media water-carriers had a great time trying to turn the situation into a "Democrats hate women who stay at home" meme, which of course wasn't Rosen's thrust at all. Shockingly, we have video evidence that one Willard "Etch-a-Sketch" Romney had a different view of the value of stay-at-home mothers -- at least when it came to low-income women -- waaay back in, um... January:
“I wanted to increase the work requirement," Romney said. "I said, for instance, that even if you have a child 2 years of age, you need to go to work. And people said, ‘Well that’s heartless.’ And I said, ‘No, no, I’m willing to spend more giving day care to allow those parents to go back to work. It’ll cost the state more providing that daycare, but I want the individuals to have the dignity of work.” (via "Up With Chris Hayes" and Think Progress)

To sum up for Willard, the "dignity of work" is a concept that, when applied to low-income women with children means "get out and get a job," but when applied to well-to-do women means "stay home and raise the kids." Hmmm.

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