Monday, April 9, 2012

Krugman on the "Gullible Center"

Paul Krugman skewers "centrists'" (think Mustache of Understanding Tom Friedman and the WaPo editorial board, for example) Paul "Lyin'" Ryan cult:
"So, can we talk about the Paul Ryan phenomenon?

"And yes, I mean the phenomenon, not the man. Mr. Ryan, the chairman of the House Budget Committee and the principal author of the last two Congressional Republican budget proposals, isn’t especially interesting. He’s a garden-variety modern G.O.P. extremist, an Ayn Rand devotee who believes that the answer to all problems is to cut taxes on the rich and slash benefits for the poor and middle class.

"No, what’s interesting is the cult that has grown up around Mr. Ryan — and in particular the way self-proclaimed centrists elevated him into an icon of fiscal responsibility, and even now can’t seem to let go of their fantasy."

Read the whole column.

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