Friday, April 13, 2012

Willard's Tax Dodge

President and Mrs. Obama released their 2011 tax returns today, showing they paid over $160,000 in taxes and gave away more than $170,000 in charitable donations. The release can't help but highlight the presumed Rethuglican nominee and one-percenter Willard "Millionaire Mittens" Romney's refusal to release his tax returns for the past 10 years. Although everyone knows weird Willard pays around 14 percent in taxes on investment income that's in the millions of dollars, he refused to disclose tax returns from earlier years. Ironically, he had no problem giving the McCain campaign tax returns from 10 years when he was being vetted for VP on the 2008 Rethug ticket, but he won't let the American people in on his secrets.

Vice President Biden had some fun at a rally yesterday in New Hampshire, when he asked the audience "who's got a Swiss bank account?", referring to one of Willard's off-shore income sheltering havens. This is the right week for reminding the middle class, as they submit their tax returns, just who is out of touch with them.

UPDATE: One-percent Willard has filed for an extension of up to six months for his tax returns. If the Dems let go of this obvious attempt to hide something, they're crazy.

(illustration by DonkeyHotey, via

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