Saturday, May 26, 2012

Hope in Arizona?

Former Surgeon General Richard Carmona is the Dems' excellent choice for filling the seat of retiring Rethug Sen. Jon Kyl. According to this report in Talking Points Memo, even Arizona Rethuglicans are impressed with the resume that Dr. Carmona brings to the race for Senate:
former surgeon general under President George W. Bush;

son of Puerto Rican parents, grew up poor in Harlem, where he battled hunger and homelessness;

dropped out of high school and joined the Army;

got his GED and joined the Special Forces;

won two Bronze Stars, two Purple Hearts and a combat medical badge among a number other decorations;

returned home and earned an M.D. degree;

recruited to Arizona to start a regional trauma care system;

worked as a surgeon, professor and a decorated member of the Pima County Sheriff’s Department.

A number of Rethug operatives in Arizona are using descriptions like "political Greek god, and "amazing" to describe Carmona and his heroic life story. In interviews, Dr. Carmona projects honesty, intelligence and commitment, and articulates his views in a frank and open way that's refreshing in our spin-cycle political world. We hope he makes it to the Senate.