Saturday, May 19, 2012

Rahm Throws A Bean Ball

The billionaire wingnut that provided financing for the ill-fated Super PAC ad using Rev. Jeremiah Wright against the President is in full retreat mode. Joe "Sticky" Ricketts, founder of TD Ameritrade and owner of the Chicago Cubs, clearly didn't want his fingerprints on the racist ad, and is claiming he never approved it. More ominously for Sticky, he's angered former Obama Chief of Staff and Mayor of Chicago Rahm Emanuel at a critical time when a bond measure for Wrigley Field renovations is up for consideration. Sticky Ricketts needs the Mayor's support to get millions in tax exempt bonds approved. Mayor Emanuel is reportedly "livid" over Sticky's association with the ad, and his "blatant hypocrisy" in supposedly standing for limited government while asking for a huge government tax exemption. According to an aide of the Mayor,
"The Ricketts[es] have tried to contact the mayor but he’s said that he does not want to talk with them today, tomorrow or anytime soon."
Payback's a beotch.


Anonymous said...

This is what happens when one doesn't think past one's first impulse. P.E.C.

Hackwhackers said...

Exactly. There are more of these billionaires coming out of the woodwork each month, so expect more of the same.