We've noted before that most of the Beltway media is running with Rethuglican talking points that the attacks on weird Willard "Mendacious Mittens" Romney's claim to have created jobs in his private equity days is somehow an attack on (pick one) private equity / Bain Capital / free enterprise. Moreover, the Rethugs and their media allies would have us believe that the attacks are not working. The problem is, much to their chagrin, they are working.
The Los Angeles Times has an article that points out that in Ohio, for example, 47% of likely voters believe that private equity firms are after profits for their investors, usually at the cost of employee pensions and jobs. A somewhat similar result occurred with voters in Florida.
So while the Rethugs and the Beltway media want the Dems to fight with one arm behind their back, the Dems should stay on the offensive and continue to demonstrate the essential dishonesty in Mendacious Mittens' central campaign claim to have been a "job creator."
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