Friday, June 29, 2012

Don't Blow It Again

When President Obama spoke after the Supreme Court upheld the Affordable Care Act yesterday, he explained in concise terms how the ACA, once implemented, will make a positive impact on nearly every American. It's a shame that message wasn't driven home two years ago, when the White House and Dems failed to defend and explain the reforms. Public opinion polls reflect the confusion caused by a $250 million media campaign by the far right to distort and defeat the ACA: while most Americans support the main elements of the law, many are concerned about a loss of choice in health care providers, increased costs, etc.

Think Progress summarizes the four main reasons why the ACA will benefit the nation's economy, in addition to providing affordable health insurance. Every Dem with a spine should memorize those benefits, and be out in public forums actively promoting them, rather than wait for the Rethug lie factory to shape the message once again, as they did two years ago with disastrous political consequences. As someone said, it's their second chance to make a first impression.

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