Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Fair Game

For weeks now, Rethuglicans and their friends in the Beltway media have been misrepresenting the Obama campaign's attack on Willard "Corporations Are People" Romney's record in the private sector. The Rethugs et al want to portray it as an attack on "private equity," or "Bain Capital," or even the free market system. In truth, it's an attack on Willard's oft-repeated claim to have been a "job creator" in the private sector. But you wouldn't know that in listening to talking heads on cable, or reading "centrist" pundits in the major papers. Even some craven Dems like Cory "Snooker" Booker and Harold "Junior" Ford, Jr. have joined in on the reverse spin to shield Willard on his job creation claims.

Peter Fenn (an old high school classmate) has an article in U.S. News and World Report that urges the Obama campaign to stick with the aggressive questioning of Willard's "job creating" credentials:
"It is up to the Obama campaign to make it clear what Romney did and did not do at Bain Capital—he made money, and lots of it; he did not engage in a job creation enterprise. He availed himself of foreign tax shelters in Switzerland and the Cayman Islands to avoid U.S. taxes. He used tax loopholes to enrich himself and his friends with the carried interest deduction. This is all fair game. This is a far different 'business' record than Mitt Romney would like voters to be examining."
Exactly. When you hear Rethugs and their friends in the media arguing against this approach for the Obama campaign, you know it's hurting them.

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