Friday, June 8, 2012

Mittens' Mendacity, Cont'd.

It's Friday, so it's time for the Maddow Blog's Steve Benen to chronicle the fibs, half-truths and outright lies of Rethuglican nominee-to-be Willard "Mall Cop" Romney. Here's a sampling:
4. In the same speech, Romney said the Affordable Care Act includes a "job-killing mandate."
The individual mandate in the law does not undermine job creation, and more importantly, Romney championed the same mandate policy for years....

12. In St. Louis, Romney claimed the Recovery Act "left us with record unemployment." Actually, millions of Americans owe their jobs to the Recovery Act, and the unemployment rate isn't at a "record" high -- it's lower now than when Obama took office, and it didn't get as high as it did in Reagan's first term....

15. Romney went on to say, "For a family watching their house being sold at foreclosure ... the results are just as devastating." Romney has no intention of intervening to stop foreclosures.
The lies keep coming.

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