Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Nuns Take The Fight To The Rethuglicans

A group of Catholic nuns have launched a bus tour to highlight the disastrous budget cuts proposed by right-wing Rethuglican Representatives that would shred the social safety net. Calling the tour "Nuns On The Bus," they're visiting ten Rethug Congressional offices representing the worst offenders, such as Iowa's Steve "Idiot" King and Wisconsin's Paul "Lyin'" Ryan, to publicize the Social Darwinist / Ayn Rand-style approach that the Rethug House has taken toward the budget. It's also fitting that the tour visits these two nominal Catholic Rethugs, whose philosophy is more akin to Ayn Rand's than to Jesus Christ's.

In a day when the Catholic Church seems more focused on limiting women's reproductive rights and protecting their pedophile priests, it's uplifting to see Catholic nuns practicing what their religion actually teaches concerning the poor and sick.

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