Monday, June 4, 2012

The Rethuglican War on Women, Cont.

From Raw Story:
"Mitt Romney’s senior campaign adviser, Eric Fehrnstrom, on Sunday said that social issues important to women, like contraception coverage and abortion rights, were “shiny objects” that were being used to distract voters." (our emphasis)

Fehrnstrom, bumbling creator of the felicitous "Etch-A-Sketch" moniker for his boss, would like voters to believe Willard "My Wife Reports to Me What Women Think" Romney knows nothing, NOTHING! about what the troglodytes in his party are up to in trying to redefine personhood, overturning Roe v. Wade, and generally police the womb of every woman in America. He's hoping voters have short attention spans and don't remember Willard's constant pandering to those crackpots during the primary season. But, Willard has put on the record what he'd do about Planned Parenthood (end the funding), Roe v. Wade (overturn it!), access to contraception (side with the reactionary Catholic bishops), as well as equal pay for women issues (he'll get back to us on that). "Shiny objects" indeed!

Whew! That's going to take a lot of shaking of that Etch-A-Sketch!

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