Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Supreme Court and Obamacare

Most observers expect the Supreme Court to render its opinion this week on the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act ("Obamacare"). Adam B. at Daily Kos lays out the various issues the Court will be deciding.

What is almost a certainty is that the one man most responsible for giving us 8 years of Dumbya, slithering Justice Antonin Scalia is willing to reverse himself in order to deal a blow to Democrats and President Obama, with fellow reactionaries "Long Dong Silver" Thomas, Sam "That's Not True" Alito, and John "I'm the Leader, Where'd They Go?" Roberts likely to join in opposing the individual mandate provision. Anthony Kennedy? The justice who wrote the execrable opinion opening the floodgates to unlimited corporate money in campaigns? Don't expect him to do anything other than support the reactionaries whenever possible.

As usual, whatever the outcome, the role of the "mainstream media" will be to assess political "winners and losers" rather than explain the ramifications of the decision.

(Image: Human meatball Antonin Scalia, via

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