Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Class Warfare - Romney's Offshore Tax Evasion Edition

How does outsourcing pioneer Willard "No New Tax Returns!" Romney's use of offshore tax havens and his refusal to release his tax returns (and thereby face questioning on them) relate to income inequality issues in America? Mark Braude says, in part:

"Mitt Romney’s brazen attitude toward Bain Capital’s dealings in Panama, coupled with his refusal to release his tax returns, shows he is more than out of touch with the causes of the men and women he would serve. He is openly at odds with their financial well-being. How is it that someone can talk relatively openly about having potentially taxable income parked overseas and remain a viable candidate for the highest public office? How often, really, do places with lax banking regulations such as Liechtenstein, or Andorra, or Switzerland enter our national dialogue? [snip]

"[W]hen all of those individual [American plutocrat] offshore accounts are considered as a whole, they present a resoundingly clear and alarming picture. All of that potentially taxable income sitting in tax havens amounts to billions—some estimates say trillions—of dollars lost from the American tax pool. For local communities, this translates into a host of government services and programs that won’t be launched because the revenue that would have funded them has been lost forever."

It's important that the American people see that this is an issue of responsible citizenship, and that Randians like Willard are having a negative impact on their nation's economic well-being -- imagine any part of the hundreds of billions (or trillions) parked by the Willards of America being used to create jobs instead of just more obscene wealth!

(Photo: "Get a move on, my good man! My plane is leaving for the Cayman Islands in a few minutes!")

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